
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Desperately looking for someone to blame

Aucklanders are reminded to have a game plan for getting around as Rugby World Cup 2011 kicks off with the biggest party the city has seen

So said the press release issued way back on 4th September.

The blame game continues. A report has been called for - two days away - time to let the whitewash dry. The head tool has blamed his operators of the trains.

Some might say blame the Minister.
Comprehensive plans are in place for getting 60,000 people to the Opening Ceremony and match at Eden Park

But he had Len's confidence matters were all in hand. Exuberant overconfidence that proved useless under real pressure. So much so he legged it to the game with his chauffeur.

Sixty thousand people were transported by trains yesterday, four times the amount usually travelling on a Friday. Veolia had planned for 30,000.

''We planned for twice as many people, in fact we had four times as many people.

So where else. "We never planned to move this many... 30,000 max". Obviously ARTA does not talk to Veolia.
The central city is expected to be very busy, with more than 50,000 downtown for the Opening Night event and 60,000 fans heading to Eden Park at peak time for commuters

I say bollocks to those that misquote the numbers to be shifted. Have a look at the September press release still up on the ARTA site. A "last reviewed" Thursday press release - they knew they expected to shift 60,000 plus by train at the last minute. And gave tons of warning.

No Mr Mayor, there is only one place to lay the blame for this total failure. Now man up or resign.

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