
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Amazing what money can buy

Serious drugs charges in three Auckland courts against Millie Elder have been dropped

I wonder if Daddy will continue his P crusade?


KG said...

Money or celebrity, PM.

pdm said...

I have no doubt that Holmes will continue his crusade- he seems very genuine.

As far as his money buying the dropping of charges - you may have that one wrong pm. He may be paying for the Lawyer but that would be all.

PM of NZ said...

pdm, buying the best legals seems to work wonders with justice.

Maybe not this case, always amazing how many can obtain the services of a QC whilst on legal aid.

pdm said...

pm I am not sure how involved Holmes is with his daughter. My understanding is he has stepped right back and will have no contact whatsoever until she sees the light as it were.

Therefore may even be a legal aid lawyer unless Mum is paying so your last sentence may be bang on.

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